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The cold war between Google and Amazon appears to be heating up today. After a series of disagreements over how Amazon is accessing YouTube content, Google has pulled the plug on YouTube access for Amazon's Echo Evidence and Fire TV devices. Google says YouTube won't come back until Amazon is willing to work together and ensure consumers accept access to both companies' products.

This isn't the first disagreement Google and Amazon have had regarding YouTube. The service was initially blocked earlier this year on the Echo Prove (Amazon'south Alexa-enabled screen) which shipped with a custom YouTube app developed without Google involvement. Amazon was able to bring back YouTube back up several weeks ago with a workaround that merely loaded the web versions of videos, just now Google is done playing around. Not just has Google blocked the Repeat Prove from YouTube once again, it has expanded the block to include Burn Television set devices.

Google specifically calls Amazon out in its statement on the block for non selling devices like the Chromecast and Google Home. It also notes that Amazon refuses to make Prime Video work on Chromecast devices. The "lack of reciprocity" led Google to kill YouTube on Amazon's products.

The feud goes back to 2022 when Amazon removed Google's Chromecast streaming device from its shop. The apparent goal was to push its own video streaming hardware instead. Amazon swears up and downward it simply wants to sell the devices that offering the all-time experience with its content, and that's the Fire TV lineup.

Google's Chromecast dongles.

Amazon'southward determination to launch what was essentially a hacked version of YouTube on the Echo Evidence is where things heated up. The speculation is that Amazon broke features Google relies on to track ads and earn coin from YouTube videos. When the companies could not reach an agreement, Google pulled the plug on YouTube. In apparent response, Amazon stopped selling some products by Nest (an Alphabet visitor like Google).

Now that YouTube is again blocked on the Show and on Burn down TV, Amazon might have to come to the bargaining table. Blocking YouTube on the Repeat Show was an annoyance for Amazon, but its streaming devices actually need to have YouTube support. Neither company comes out of this looking particularly good, but the tiff has been escalating for a long time. Hopefully, they tin come to an agreement that works for all parties, because it's users who are paying the price right now.