
How to change the OEM Logon UI background in Windows systems

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Yous tin can now change the login UI screen of Windows with or without the apply of tertiary party software or hacks. Windows now supports the ability to load images into the background of the login screen. Although this functionality was designed for OEMs in heed, it is pretty easy to turn on and off using Regedit and some images lying around your hard drive. In this post, nosotros will show how you can change the Windows Login Screen.

How to change the Windows 7 Login Screen

How to modify the Windows OEM Login Screen

First, a check is made to determine if the customization functionality is enabled or not. More precisely, a DWORD value named OEMBackground in the following registry key is checked.

  • Open Registry Editor and then navigate to the following path
  • Its data defines whether or not this behavior is turned on, i.eastward., 1 for enabled, 0 for disabled. Double click on OEMBackground DWORD to come across its value.

OEMBackground Registry Hack for Login background

Even so, it is possible that value may not exist by default, depending on your organisation. As this is OEM characteristic images are derived from windir%\system32\oobe\info\backgrounds. Like the registry value, this binder may not be by default.

3rd party freeware utilities to change login UI screen

1] Logon Changer: This utility lets you change the Windows 7 logon screen background. Information technology provides an like shooting fish in a barrel mode to customize the logon screen background with but a few clicks. Simply download the free awarding, run it, and click Change Logon Screen.

2] LogonUI Groundwork Changer is a pocket-sized tool from Codeplex, which tin assist y'all to change the LogonUI background epitome in Windows 7, by modifying the Registry.

3] This Windows Logon Changer Tool will allow yous to customize the logon screen for Windows 7 without touching the Registry at all.

four] This Windows Background Changer , is WPF based, information technology's a prissy technical demo of Windows Presentation Foundation capabilities for those interested in WPF. It requires a decent GPU for the 3D animations to run smoothly. It runs fine with my Radeon HD 3200 on my laptop computer, merely it should likewise work with lower-end graphic cards, admitting slowly.

5] Windows Logon Screen Rotator is a free application that will change the logon background image to an image of your choosing and likewise at a time you select. Current options include each 24-hour interval, each logon, and each computer lock.

6] Windows Logon screen editor, is a tool developed by Deviantart user which tin quickly set up your wallpaper every bit the logon screen background.

7] Thoosje Windows Logon Editor as well comes with a library of free login screen backgrounds, Like high windows 3D logos and various other Themes like Picture show, Cars, and many more than.

8] Windows Login Changer lets you add a drove of pictures and change them at a specified interval. Images formats supported: Bitmap (BMP), Portable Network Graphics (PNG), Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPG), and Graphics Interchange Format (GIF).

9] Logon Screen Utility needs installation and integrates itself with the Windows desktop right-click context menu.

That'southward information technology.

Windows 7 Login UI Changer


Anand Khanse is the Admin of, a x-year Microsoft MVP (2006-sixteen) & a Windows Insider MVP. Delight read the unabridged mail service & the comments first, create a Organisation Restore Point before making any changes to your system & be careful well-nigh any tertiary-party offers while installing freeware.


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