
Quick shot: Windows 10 Mobile's new one-handed split screen feature

Yesterday, Microsoft released build 10136 of Windows 10 Mobile to those on the Insider program. Nosotros'll exist doing an in-depth look as presently as we get a moment we are at E3, later on all. For now we want to show you the new one-handed feature in this build.

Starting in build 10136, Microsoft has put into a identify a feature for phones with displays 5-inches or larger. By property down the Beginning central, the whole display moves downward to one-half the size, letting yous navigate and interact with links or buttons with merely your thumb. Once activated, the split position will agree simply return to normal later on a few seconds if no interaction is detected.

The feature works very well, although scrolling on the Start screen for at present does non seem operable (likely early bug). The 1-handed power is particularly useful for using the Microsoft Edge browser, every bit you can now easily admission the address bar. Indeed, Microsoft said they were exploring a solution to people'southward complaints nigh the accost bar being at the top, and this may be information technology.

In terms of appearance, the characteristic looks okay but a little odd with the blackness background. Seems every bit if that space could use something actress, similar a blur effect.

Microsoft is not the outset company to do this display-resizing trick. On the iPhone 6 and half-dozen Plus users tin double tap the Home central to bring down the screen as well for 1-handed usage. As well, Samsung (2013) and LG accept besides introduced their methods for one-handed usage on large phones. And then if anything, Microsoft is but catching up to the competition.

Regardless, information technology is a slap-up feature, and we cannot wait to make more apply of it. What do y'all call back of Microsoft's implementation? Allow u.s.a. know in comments.


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