
Over-hype expert Peter Molyneux warns Microsoft not to do the same for HoloLens

Peter Molyneux

Famed game designer, and former Microsoft executive, Peter Molyneux has offered his own opinions on the recently revealed Microsoft HoloLens holographic headset, stating that the company should be conscientious not to over-promise the capabilities of the device. Ironically, Molyneux has had a long history of doing that very same thing with many of his games.

Microsoft HoloLens was the biggest surprise that came out of the visitor's Windows 10 press event earlier this week. Even so, it'south been in development for several years. Fifty-fifty though Molyneux left Microsoft in 2022 to start his current game studio 22Cans, he told that he saw an early version of HoloLens before he departed. He stated:

"Information technology is, I have to say a magical feel, seeing these objects in the real world. The problem I think is to make it feel like it is in the existent world and not projected into your heart. I call back information technology's, for me, more heady than even VR only information technology shares a similar trouble equally VR does and that is: what is the application going to be?"

Microsoft HoloLens

Molyneux himself has been accused of over-hyping many of the games he helped to create, especially Black and White and Fable, both of which didn't send with many of the features that he promised in pre-release previews and interviews.

Molyneux admits that personally he volition be "kickoff in the queue" to get his hands on the hardware. Nonetheless, he believes that for the technology to succeed, Microsoft must invest as much time and coin in the software every bit they are apparently doing for the hardware. He stated:

"If you look at the cases where technology has worked well - touch is ane of those, and Wii Sports and motion control; Nintendo didn't innovate motion command until they had Wii Sports. Y'all weren't just playing a few demos. I merely promise that for the Holo stuff that they really cull an awarding and make that sing. That is what transforms a piece of tech from awe inspiring gadget that you try a few times and show off to friends into something that you lot use as part of your life, and that's actually what we desire engineering to be."



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