
How Much Money Should Be Spent On Food

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How much should I budget for food? | BeTheBudget

One of the questions nosotros go asked the most when it comes to budgeting is, how much should I budget for nutrient? And to be fully honest, the answer varies on a instance-past-case footing. Plus, information technology's hard to lay down a blanket argument and look it to work for every situation. But that'southward the problem. Nobody seems to take a directly answer.

So, we did the but matter we knew to practice. We prepare out with our own budget to make up one's mind a realistic number that could human activity as a guideline for people trying to decide on a monthly food budget. And, after a bunch of trial and error nosotros did just that.

So, how much should y'all budget for food?

When budgeting for food, you should plan to spend a minimum of $250 per developed, and $150 per child each month. For instance, a family of four with ii children should upkeep $800 per month. This budget should cover groceries and dining out on occasion.

So, in that location you have it, an actual guideline for your food budget. But are these numbers correct for you? Before yous ready your food upkeep in stone, here are a few tips, questions, and considerations you should accept into account.

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Food Upkeep For i

When yous are trying to figure out your food upkeep for one, you lot need to recollect about a few things.

First off, it'southward all on you. That means meal planning, grocery shopping, and cooking are up to y'all. And allow's just shoot direct hither, it'south a little unrealistic to presume you are going to cook yourself every meal, every week. There are going to exist times when you just want a salad, burger, or burrito from your favorite eating house.

On top of that, ane of the worst things you tin do if yous want to maximize your food budget, is to buy nutrient that goes to waste because you lot didn't cook information technology. It'south much improve to spend a couple extra bucks on nutrient at a restaurant, than to basically throw your coin in the trash considering you permit your groceries go bad.

Besides, whether y'all are dining out, or cooking at home, be sure to exit enough for leftovers the next day. Leftovers are one of the easiest ways to maximize whatsoever nutrient upkeep. Information technology'due south difficult to trounce reheated lasagna or common cold pizza for tiffin. And then again, I'll eat just virtually annihilation left over in the fridge. Only inquire my wife!

So, what is a good nutrient budget for i?

When setting a food budget for one person, you should plan to spend between $300 and $400 per month. This upkeep assumes yous will dine out approximately 3 times per week, while spending the balance on groceries to melt and gear up the rest of your meals at domicile.

Food Upkeep For College Students

If you were to ask a agglomeration of college students how much they spend on nutrient each calendar month, I'm willing to bet very few would actually know. And even fewer would probably have a food budget. So, if y'all are reading this post and y'all are in higher, let me first congratulate you lot on existence mode ahead of the budgeting game.

When you are in college, food spending is likely your biggest upkeep item. And between schoolhouse, work, and studying, it tin can be difficult to find time to repast programme and cook every repast. Plus, if you need to become sit at a Starbucks to get some studying done, a few coffees per calendar week is probably in the cards. But, since your other expenses should be relatively low, it is ok to classify a niggling extra money toward food each month.

So, what is a skilful food budget for higher students?

If y'all are a college student, you should plan to spend approximately $400 per calendar month for food. Since higher life can be busy, this volition let you enough financial room to dine out, order a few cups of java each week, and cook meals for yourself when yous take the time.

Nutrient Upkeep For Couples

Setting a food budget as a couple is the sweetness spot, considering unlike budgeting for one person, it'south non all on you. There is no reason you lot should always have to eat out, because you tin can split the repast planning and cooking duties 50/50.

Nosotros recommend sitting downwardly one time a calendar week with your significant other and planning out every repast. This way, yous can proceed a weekly grocery run and purchase every ingredient you demand. If you lot are really diligent, y'all will spend significantly less than you would have dining out.

That existence said, we believe engagement nights are extremely of import. So, if you want to add a footling extra money to your nutrient budget to continue the romance live with a weekly dinner date, go for it!

So, what is a good nutrient budget for couples?

If yous are budgeting for nutrient as a couple, you should plan to spend between $500 and $600 per month. With two people involved, cooking at home is a more manageable task. So, the majority of your food upkeep should get toward groceries. Though, this budget will still allow y'all to dine out on occasion.

Food Budget For Families

Patently, the more people yous have in your family, the larger your food budget needs to be. And we already gave you a food budget guideline for adults and children in the intro of this article. But if that budget doesn't experience right to you, here are a couple things to consider.

According to the USDA, the boilerplate cost of raising a child from birth to their 18th birthday is $233,610 — and 18% of that corporeality goes toward food. So, if y'all break that number out, it ends upwardly at $194.68 per month. But, we call back that number is a piffling high, considering many families don't concur themselves accountable to a upkeep like you and me.

Too, according to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the average household in America spends effectually $7,729 on food each yr. If you lot break that out it equals $644 per month. So, if you upkeep $150 for each child, and $250 for each adult, in a family of iv with 2 children, you get an higher up average upkeep of $800 per month for nutrient. That is definitely practice-able.

What Are Some Ways To Relieve On Food?

The entire purpose of a budget is to control your spending so that y'all can salvage more money. And your nutrient upkeep is no exception.

Here are a few quick tips to help y'all reduce your monthly food bill.


If you keep your eye out for coupons, y'all tin can save a boat-load of cash. And these days, yous don't fifty-fifty have to prune them out of newspapers. The entire process of couponing is so streamlined, it would exist silly not to exercise it. For example, almost grocery stores these days have couponing apps where you tin can merely select the coupons y'all want to utilise, and they will automatically utilise them when yous checkout. There's no need to bollix through your pocketbook, or carry around a bunch of coupons. Merely bring your smartphone.

Meal Plan Co-ordinate To Sales

Instead of simply randomly planning a few meals that sound skillful each week, check your local grocery stores for sales, and shape your meal plan effectually them. For instance, if craven breasts continue sale at your local grocery store, plan a few meals that comprise craven. If apples proceed sale, it might be a neat week to melt that apple tree pie yous've been craving!

Get Grocery Shopping Right After Dinner

Ane of the best times to go to the grocery store is after dinner. It is significantly less crowded, and your stomach is full. Y'all can quickly accomplish all your shopping, and y'all won't be tempted to buy a agglomeration of crap you don't need because your stomach is growling. I'm serious, night time grocery shopping is the best.

(P.South. If you are an early on riser, grocery shopping at 6 AM works likewise.)

Should I Start Meal Planning?

I'g going to keep this one short and sweet. Yep you should. Meal planning is one of the easiest and best ways to save money each month. Starting time meal planning right away, and stick to information technology. You will be amazed how much actress coin you lot will relieve.

What If I don't Have Time To Cook?

I realize that in that location are plenty of people out in that location that are actually too busy to cook. If y'all are working 12-hr days, 7 days per calendar week, I tin can understand how cooking might be pretty low on your priority listing. Notwithstanding, if y'all say you're besides busy to cook, and so tell me that you binged 4 seasons of Game of Thrones in ii weeks, I'm going to call you a liar.

If you are thorough in your repast planning, and make sure to buy every ingredient you demand at the grocery store, cooking does non accept that much fourth dimension. Too, you don't need to melt extravagant meals every dark. I rarely cook a meal that takes me more than 30 minutes, get-go to finish.

I hope, if y'all really want to, yous can notice the fourth dimension to melt.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to budgeting for food every situation is different. Only whether you are single, married, dating, in higher, or supporting a family, the one matter I tin can say is that having a food upkeep is extremely important.

So, break out your budget, start couponing, get on a repast programme, and become to work!

What's your monthly food upkeep? Let united states of america know in the comments, along with whatever food spending tips you use to save coin each month!

How Much Should I Budget For Food? Whether you are setting up a food budget for 1, a food budget for 2, a food budget for your family, or just wondering what is a realistic food budget each month, this article is for you. #foodbudget #foodbudgetfor1 #foodbudgetfor2 #foodbudgetfamily

About The Author

Zach Buchenau is a self-proclaimed personal finance nerd. When he isn't writing about budgeting, getting out of debt, making extra money, and living a frugal life, you can find him edifice piece of furniture, fly angling, or developing websites. He is the co-founder of BeTheBudget, and Chipotle's most loyal customer.


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