
How Much Money The Us Give To The Idf

Untold story of U.s.a. aid to Israel

Untold story of US aid to Israel

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On Dec. 21, the US Congress passed the COVID-19 relief package equally part of a larger $2.three trillion bill intended to comprehend spending for the rest of the fiscal year. As usual, US representatives allocated a vast sum of money to Israel.

While unemployment and poverty levels in the US are skyrocketing as a result of repeated lockdowns, Washington establish it essential to provide Israel with $three.3 billion in "security assistance" and $500 one thousand thousand for US-Israel missile defence cooperation.

Although a meagre $600 payment to help struggling American families was the field of study of several months of intense debate, there was little discussion among U.s. politicians over the big funds handed out to Israel, for which there are no returns.

Support for State of israel is considered a bipartisan priority and for decades has been perceived equally the virtually stable item on the United states of america strange policy agenda. The mere questioning of how State of israel uses the funds — whether military aid is beingness actively used to sustain its illegal occupation of Palestine, finance Jewish settlements, fund looting of Palestinian land or violate Palestinian human rights — is a major taboo.

One of the few members of Congress to demand that assistance to State of israel be conditional on the latter'southward respect for human rights is Bernie Sanders, the Autonomous senator who has twice sought presidential nomination for the political party. "We cannot give (aid) carte blanche to the Israeli regime — we have the right to need respect for human rights and democracy," Sanders said in October 2019.

His Democratic rival Joe Biden, at present president-elect, quickly countered. "The thought that I'd withdraw war machine aid, equally others have suggested, from State of israel is bizarre," he said.

It is no clandestine that Israel has been the globe's leading recipient of US aid since the Second Globe War. According to the US Congressional Research Service, Israel has received $146 billion of The states taxpayers' money as of November 2020.

From 1971 until 2007, the bulk of these funds proved key in helping Israel establish a stiff economic base. Since then, well-nigh of the money has been allotted for war machine purposes, including the security of Israel's illegal Jewish settlement enterprise.

Despite the Us fiscal crisis of 2008, money continued to be channeled to Israel, whose economy survived the global recession largely unscathed.

In 2016, the United states of america promised even more assistance. The Obama assistants, oft mistakenly seen as hostile to Israel, increased The states funding past a meaning margin. In a 10-twelvemonth memorandum of understanding, Washington and Tel Aviv reached a deal whereby the US agreed to requite Israel $38 billion in military aid roofing the financial years 2019-2028. This is a whopping $8 billion increment compared with the previous 10-twelvemonth agreement, which ended at the finish of 2018.

The new US funds autumn into ii categories: $33 billion in foreign military grants and an boosted $v billion in missile defense force.

US generosity has long been attributed to the unmatched influence of pro-Israeli groups, lead amongst them the American Israel Public Diplomacy Commission. Yet, niggling lobbying has been required by these groups in the by four years as powerful agents inside the administration itself became Israel'due south pinnacle advocates.

Despite the U.s. financial crisis of 2008, money connected to exist channeled to Israel, whose economy survived the global recession largely unscathed.

Ramzy Baroud

Bated from the seemingly endless "political freebies" that the Trump assistants has given Israel in recent years, it is now considering means to advance the timetable of delivering the remainder of US funds as determined by the terminal agreement, which currently stands at $26.4 billion. According to official congressional documents, the United states as well may approve boosted sales of the F-35 fighter jet, and accelerate delivery of KC-46A refueling and transport aircraft.

These are not the only funds and perks Israel receives. Much more goes unreported since information technology is channeled indirectly or only promoted under the flexible title of "cooperation."

For example, between 1973 and 1991, $460 million of Usa funds was allocated to resettling Jews in Israel. Many of these new immigrants are at present the very Israeli militants who occupy the West Depository financial institution illegal settlements. In this instance, the money was paid to a individual charity, the United Israel Appeal, which passes it on to the Jewish Agency. The latter has played a key office in the founding of State of israel on summit of the ruins of Palestinian towns and villages in 1948.

Nether the guise of charitable donations, tens of millions of dollars are regularly sent to Israel in the course of "tax-deductible gifts for Jewish settlements in the West Depository financial institution and East Jerusalem," co-ordinate to The New York Times. Much of the coin, falsely promoted equally donations for educational and religious purposes, oft finds its mode to funding and buying housing for illegal settlers, "besides as guard dogs, bulletproof vests, burglarize scopes and vehicles to secure (illegal Jewish) outposts deep in occupied (Palestinian) areas."

Quite oft, US money ends up in the Israeli government coffers under faux pretenses. For example, the latest stimulus package includes $50 million to fund the Nita M. Lowey Center E Partnership for Peace Funds, supposedly to provide investments in "people-to-people exchanges and economic cooperation between Israelis and Palestinians with the goal of supporting a negotiated and sustainable ii-land solution."

Actually, such money serves no particular purpose, since Washington and Tel Aviv endeavour to ensure the demise of a negotiated peace agreement and piece of work paw-in-hand to kill the now-defunct two-state solution.

The list is endless, though virtually of this money is non included in the official US aid packages to Israel and, therefore, receives picayune scrutiny, permit alone media coverage.

As of February 2019, the US has withheld all funds to the Palestinian Authority in the West Banking concern, in add-on to cutting assist to the United nations Relief and Works Bureau for Palestine refugees, the last lifeline providing bones educational activity and health services to millions of displaced people.

Judging by its legacy of back up for the Israeli military car and the colonial expansion in the West Bank, Washington insists on serving as Israel'southward master benefactor, if not direct partner, while shunning Palestinians altogether. Expecting the U.s. to play a constructive office in achieving a simply peace in Palestine shows not merely indefensible naivety but likewise wilful ignorance.

  • Ramzy Baroud is a announcer and the editor of The Palestine Chronicle. He is the author of v books, the latest being "These Chains Will Be Cleaved: Palestinian Stories of Struggle and Defiance in Israeli Prisons" (Clarity Press, Atlanta). Twitter: @RamzyBaroud

Disclaimer: Views expressed by writers in this section are their ain and do not necessarily reflect Arab News' betoken of view


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